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Hey! My name is Jordan Wheeler, and I’m amazed that in this crazy digital world of the internet, you are currently here listening to me talk about myself.


I’ll try to live up to your expectations.


I used to think I was to be a doctor, studying night and day, working 12’s at the hospital. But life pulled me in a different direction. Health and fitness is my interest, and my passion lies in motivating & helping others achieve their goals and becoming better versions of ourselves in the process.


Why fitness is important

Simply put, weight training and balanced nutrition makes me a better person.


It has made me stronger (mentally & physically). I’ve gained confidence, and it has made interactions with family, friends, and new faces more enjoyable. Fitness has been my goal setter, my therapist, my playground, my social hour, and it has even curbed some pretty bad anxiety.


I guess you could say it has changed my life.


And I want to pass this knowledge on to anyone and everyone who needs it. You see, I’ve accomplished a lot of my fitness goals (most are very long-term goals now, i.e. maintenance), and I want to take on your goals and help you achieve them.


Why listen to me?

For the last decade, I’ve been studying nutrition and training for fat loss and muscle gain.


I have trained hundreds of clients in both the gym and online.


I helped a man lose 10 pounds while nearly doubling his food intake. I helped a 61-year old lady build the strength to stand out of a chair without using her arms to help. I helped a pre-diabetic bring down his A1C & cholesterol levels back to normal ranges. I’ve helped doctors and teachers, entrepreneurs and celebrities, students and the work-from-home mom with three kids lose fat, gain muscle and change their lives.


I’m passionate about helping others through fitness. Every client I coach, I remind them to reach out with hesitation. Because I’m here to serve you and guide you to the next version of you.


Oh, you could also say I “walk the walk”. You know, ice cream, pizza, training heavy, and abs of course. (need shirtless pic with ice cream or pizza, will get ASAP)


Alright, no more nudity

Okay, let’s keep it PG-13 now.

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